This is the first post of many in which I show you how to build a business in 24 hours or less. If you like your 9 to 5 job and you believe you have an amazing life, this guide is not for you. Who should read this
Year: 2020
At this moment in time, the only way to get a widget to work in the Notion App is by using a simple workaround. This workaround is quick and dirty, so you’ll be able to install any widget within your Notion wiki, notion templates or any page you
Today I had a conversation with my girlfriend about luxury and the experience of luxury. We had this conversation while I rested on the couch after a long day of work. It felt like I was decompressing from a long dive on 12m depths. It was a busy
It’s hard to align your interest with those of a reseller or integrator. An integrator just wants to sell services and close contracts. They would seriously not care if they sold your hardware or the product of your competitor as long as they make and close the contract.
For those of you that don’t know me personally, I’m a huge gamer even though I haven’t played any computer games for more than 8 years. But before that, I used to play World of Warcraft and Starcraft religiously. Both games are the best in their category IMAO.

Quantifying Exceptional Growth: 3 Steps to Measure Momentum in Your Business. Momentum is possibly the most critical metric to explosive business growth. With the potential to protrude extraordinary business growth year after year, it is the single factor that turns a disruptive business into an industry-beater. If your