For those of you that don’t know me personally, I’m a huge gamer even though I haven’t played any computer games for more than 8 years.
But before that, I used to play World of Warcraft and Starcraft religiously. Both games are the best in their category IMAO.
So a simple personality test focussed on gaming grabbed my attention recently. Its called the Bartle test. The test says what type of gamer/personality you are.
My results – based on a questionnaire of 20 something questions – said I was:
- 93% Achiever
- 47% Explorer
- 33% killer, and finally
- 27% socializer
What does all of this mean I thought and what can I do with this information??? (click here to know what it really means)
Can life be so simple that one test just explains my personality and tells me that my main drive in life is achieving things and that I want to achieve it mostly alone? Is that the case? Can it really be so simple? And is it close to the truth?
Maybe it’s so simple to just say: What am I doing on this planet? And what is the meaning of life for me?
Well, based on MY test results I’m here to reach goals, cross of things from a to-do list and feel great about it.
To be very honest. This test was pretty accurate and the fun thing is that achieving goals is actually one of the things in my life that I enjoy doing the most. So to stay happy and productive as a good citizen should be, I’m going to continue achieving and doing my part in society.
For those out there that have played video games, the Bartle test will be for you. It will teach you something about yourself that you might not know yet. Check it out and see what type of personality you have and if it is true for you.
For me, it was pretty correct. And I know that is only N = 1…