Today I had a conversation with my girlfriend about luxury and the experience of luxury.
We had this conversation while I rested on the couch after a long day of work. It felt like I was decompressing from a long dive on 12m depths. It was a busy day.
While my GF was cooking dinner the conversation went to the question: what is true luxury and how would one define it?
Is real luxury having a swimming pool on top of your yacht? Or maybe a helicopter or unlimited spending on your credit card? What is true luxury? We scratched our heads while thinking about it and continued with our normal routines. She was still cooking and I was doing nothing on the couch.
But the question about luxury did not leave my mind. And then it hit me after thinking for quite a while.
In our modern world, true luxury has nothing to do with things or experiences, no. Real luxury these days is about having a ‘certain’ ability.
So what is this ability you ask?
The ability has to do with being able to withstand our modern ways of living.
In my eyes, true luxury is the ability to be able to feel content without any external stimuli. For me, your lifestyle is extremely luxurious when you are content with very little. You need very little so very little things give you a good feeling.
Which situation would you rather have?
- Always get more than you had but not being happy with what you have right now? or;
- Having very little but you are happy with what you have?
Which person do you think has a more luxurious lifestyle?
I know it’s the person that can live with little and be happy as a child.
Logically this form of luxury is very democratic since its in everyone’s grasp. Even you can choose to take pure luxury for yourself at this moment in time.
Turn of your PC, your iPad, your smartphone and just sit on a chair and be content. If you’re able to do this sitting in nothing for 30 minutes without going crazy, you’ll know what pure luxury feels like.
Just sit and feel great.
Good luck and try it out for yourself. Everyone can create a luxurious lifestyle for themselves. It’s only one decision away.
Have a good one and see you all on the flip side!