7 Questions every Entrepreneur needs to answer for themselves at one point in their journey

Entrepreneurship is a never-ending slap in the face. Sometimes the slap is warm and soft, oftentimes, I mean most times, the slap is hard and cold.

To survive the constant slapping, you need mental resilience. Mental resilience doesn’t come out of anywhere. It doesn’t magically appear out of thin air. It comes from three things: 1) time, 2) experience, 3) and thinking.

This post will help you with the thinking part. Thinking can be done in many ways and forms. Reflecting is thinking, planning is thinking, questioning yourself is thinking, meditation is thinking, but at the same time, it’s also a form of anti-thinking. Today we focus on asking questions, also known as mental self-examination or self-questioning or reflecting.

Asking yourself questions is a method used to gain perspective on oneself. The more you know yourself, the better you’ll be able to deal with different situations. The more you know yourself, the more you’ll be able to overcome hardship. The more hardship you can take on without crumbling, the more resilient you are. The more resilient you are, the more fun you can have in the process. It will feel like a game.

So grab a pen and paper and try to answer the following questions for yourself:

1. Do I want it bad enough?

2. What is IT for me?

3. Am I chasing IT for myself or someone else?

4. What would I give up to reach IT?

5. What price am I willing to pay to reach IT?

6. Is my IT external or internally motivated?

7. What will I never sacrifice to reach IT?

And finally a bonus questions (reflecting on the reflection),

Am I wiser now that I’ve answered these questions? If so, Why am I wiser?

The questions have a theme to them. Can you notice the theme?

Where do you want to be, and what are you willing to give up? How bad do you really want it? Those are the general concepts of the questions above. Use them to recalibrate yourself. Leverage them to see through the bullsh*t.

Write them down. Take an hour out of your day.

If you can’t take an hour out of your day to think about these questions, then you do not deserve it. Trust the process. Think, take your time and go out there and gather experiences. Life is so so long. You literally can’t waste your time.

Good luck! And don’t forget to smile 🙂 See you in the next one.

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