In my last post I wrote about the Electric Skateboard that I recently bought. Well, I’ve sold that board a couple of days ago.
So Yes, it was a huge money waster. Within 3 weeks I literally threw away €400, a lot of money these days.
I feel shit about it and I wanted to write about the experiences because it needs to teach me something.
Why do I want new stuff?
It’s a basic question but I keep coming back to it after I start hating a new purchase. Why did I need this product, service or money waster in the first place? Don’t you ask yourself that questions after signing for a new package? I’m ashamed of it but it has happened to me multiple times.
For some reason in the moment while I’m buying something useless I somehow convince myself that I really need it. But do I really need more things? Is the only thing great out of it those 40 seconds of pure joy when searching for your right size, while clinking on the buy button and finally while signing for the package at the door? It that really what it’s all about? That is some hollow shit my friend.
I know its all the rage to go ultra Mary Kondo on your ass but I’m not following the hype. I’m really thinking deep about the concept of needing more things.
Besides the split second mental orgasm while clicking the buy button, I can’t come up with a solid answer that answers the question for me. I just don’t need any more non essential stuff that doesn’t keeps me alive. It’s that simple.
Why do we need less stuff?
This one feels so logically simple and right. I can just feel it in my bones…
To answer this is so simple and straight forward. We need less stuff because it’s better for the planet, it’s better for my mental clarity because more is equal to more distractions, It’s better for my wallet, I waste less space, the reasons are endless. Case and point, BAM, less is more for sure. It’s that easy. And no I’m not saying it because it’s hip to be a hippy vegan nut eater.
So why do we keep fucking up?
So what’s going here??! While writing this post it’s just plain easy to feel strong about not buying any irrelevant things. So why will I be scrolling on a webshop in 30 days completely forgetting the fact that I wrote this post 30 days prior?
Next steps?
I’m not buying any shitty wasteful products in the coming months. But I will be able to fantasize about buying things. In nothing I’m creating a page that I’ll name Needs. (see below)

This page will serve as a database of all the things that I really wanted at some point but did not buy.
I’m really interested to see what things I really want to buy in the coming six months. So I’m saving potential buys in a sense to analyze in the future.
For now I’ve not bought a new sunlight alarm clock, a Muse head band, and no I haven’t spent a fortune on supplements. I’m proud of myself for not doing so. Let’s hope I can stick to it.
I don’t need more supplements. I just need to eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away. Life can be that simple. Sometimes..
Have a good one and I’ll see you guys in the next one.