What are we?
In the beginning, there is one question and one question only.
“What are we?”
The Philosophy of Mind Body Time gives the following answer:
We are simply a mind packed in a brain carried around by our body in time and surroundings.
What is MBT?
Mind Body Time is a philosophy on life and it is a guide on how I try to live mine.
Your mind is the ego in your life. It is “me,” the “you” as a person in this life. The body is the vessel that carries the mind. And that vessel moves in time. Time is the road on which that vessel strolls.
And lastly, you have the surroundings which also move in time. These surroundings move with you and interact with the mind and the body.
The pillars of MBT
One’s life consists of these four pillars: The mind, The Vessel, Time and your surroundings. That is what I believe.
Everything in life fits in one of the four pillars.
You could argue that this is not true and you would probably find a natural reasoning why what I have to say is utter nonsense, but one must not care about the logic of one other when his arguments give peace and clarity of mind. When a belief helps oneself, that thought frame can become like a medicine. It could even be a cure; it’s hard so say.
What is the function of MBT?
So why does is give peace and clarity to my mind? That is because it creates a model for which to live by. The model gives your life simplicity, understanding and it gives me birds view perspective on what my life is about and how to manage it.
MBT is an attempts to simplify life into pillars. An attempt to simplify life into principles and codes that give guidance in life. In the most simple form, it is a rulebook of codes and routines to win in life, to become happy and to achieve great things. These can be little or big things.
** A little disclaimer: This thinking model is a work in progress. Nor do I see me as successful at this moment in time. Still, I do wish to proceed and see if the thinking framework described above can bring the results I think it can. And also, you must think for yourself; this will not be for everyone. **
The framework is in balance
The four pillars work together. Together they create a balance.
The MBT philosophy and framework is in equilibrium.
If you want to become a fruitful and happy human, you need to improve the quality of your mind. That is because every creation from a person comes from the mind. It all starts with a thought. May it be a physical creation or a mental creation, it all stems from the mind lying at the basis of human creation. One who creates is productive.
Before you can improve the quality of your mind, you need to improve the quality of your brain. Your brain is part of your body, which means that you need to take care of the vessel that carries your brain first. The body needs to be fit, strong and resilient. Only then can you focus on the mind. The logic behind this is as follows. Take good care of your body and it will take good care of your mind. The one supports the other so take good care of the vessel.
Two factors influence your vessel: Time and your surroundings. How you spend your time is just as important as how you look back at your time and how you plan in the future. You will never get time back. It is the most important currency we have in life. The same counts for your surroundings. The way you manage your surroundings and the way you create the surroundings around you which you feel happy in will reflect on the body and untimely the mind. The people, the objects, the smells, the places you go, all of this interacts with your body and mind. Place yourself in a pleasant surrounding and your body and mind will follow.
What shows above is a deep connection between the four pillars. They are in balance with each other. You can harm all by harming only one, but same counts for the other way round. Heal and improve one and you can improve all. This makes the thinking model perfect for taking small steps and setting small goals. MBT is all about going slow at the start and continue making steps until they feel like leaps in later stages.
MBT is about optimizing the four pillars to get the most out of life. And possible the one beyond this life, if we’re lucky.
Follow me on my mission to find a perfect life by writing and living the codes of MBT.