This post is a followup to – Why I meditate – A practical guide on meditation #1 go check it out if you haven’t yet. Today I meditated for 142
Category: Mind Body Time
I’ve been meditating every day for 141 days straight now. And let me tell you it changed my life. In this post, I’m speaking from my personal experience so hopefully,
When you build a house, you need to construct it based the rules of nature. You can not add too much weight on a single wooden beam. You have to
Even the smallest thing is made out of smaller things. Again, another question. Can we oversimplify life? The four pillars of MBT (Mind Body Time) are made out of principles.
What are we? In the beginning, there is one question and one question only. “What are we?” The Philosophy of Mind Body Time gives the following answer: We are simply