The last company that I built from the ground up has a capable roster of angel investors ranging from ex McKinsey consultants to captains of industry. Together they’ve funded our company for more than 1 million dollars. Their help resulted in a market-leading IoT business in the vehicle detection
Month: May 2022
Like anything in life, investing is a multi-levelled game. I believe one needs to master every level before moving to the next level. In this post, I lay out my hierarchy for investing. Starting with the fundamentals of investing in yourself. Level 1: Invest in your health first
You get plenty of shots to make it BIG. I hear many peers make the following statement “I’m not doing the right thing. I’m wasting my time. I’m not in the right spot, job, project, or not with the right people.” The statement implies that starting early or
A multi-millionaire friend once told me a secret on how he consistently delivers his best work. In this essay, I will tell you how he does it. But first, let me tell you what effect his secret Rule had on my own work: I spot more errors in
Below is some thought I wrote down 10 days before going on my first ayahuasca pilgrimage in June of 2021. ‘My first Ayahuasca trip is in ten days’ Ten days is nothing but the days feel longer and longer. It’s the nerves. I’m nervous about the whole thing.