It’s probably outdated Most advice comes after the facts. When someone comes with advice 9 out of 10 times, it comes after their success. So when someone says they were successful. They probably did these things a while back. What worked for someone in the past will likely
Year: 2021

Yesterday was my first interaction with HEMA, also know as European historical Martial Arts. I had a very positive first impression of the sport, the skills involved and the people that are part of the community. In this article, I’ll walk you through my first experience with European

Sunday scaries, also known as Sunday Evening Feeling and Sunday Syndrome, are among the newest modern diseases known to men. Sunday scaries are anticipatory anxiety that gives nervousness about the week ahead. The most common symptoms are: restlessness irritability a vague sense of unease stomach issues headache I

Currently, you are spending your time helping others succeed without getting any piece of the pie. Second to that, by doing so, you’re actually harming yourself by reducing your attention span. You’re decreasing your social intelligence. Finally, you increase craving in novelty, which leads to a reduction in

I’ve been doing the Wim Hof breathing method and the Cold Exposure Protocols for several weeks now, and it has changed my life. I’m fascinated by Wim (a.k.a. the Ice Man) and by his practices. This fascination has brought me to his book, his app and his methods.