The Fear of What’s to Come I’m afraid of the next four months. Not because something terrible will happen but because they will demand a lot from me. Balancing my training, work, family, and writing will be tough. Running: The Mileage Skyrockets My weekly mileage will soon hit

Placing the Jim Biden pardon bet was driven by intuition, hours of research, and precedent. But nothing could have prepared me for the heart-pounding, nerve-wracking culmination that unfolded in the literal last minutes. With less than two hours to go, panic was sweeping the market. Prices were plummeting,
I sometimes wonder if I’m the only one who feels they mastered a skill or a lifestyle within weeks instead of decades. For me, currently, that expresses itself in that I find myself an incredible athlete. I see myself as the Dutch version of Nick Bare. It’s so
It should be apparent by now, but I’m trying to feel healthier and lose weight by being more active. I’m not doing that by focusing on a single activity, no. I’ll be focusing on a split of activities. This split is slightly based on the methodology of Nick
Today’s a tiny one. Plus, tiny is a fitting word for what I will talk about. It’s fitting because we’re talking about getting thinner and slimmer. But we don’t want to get tiny, no. I actually want to become a powerful hybrid athlete like Nick Bare, and to
No No no, this is not a naughty post. The following situation that happened to me last night is dire. It’s serious because I lost something while lying in bed around midnight. No, I did not lose my mojo or even my virginity (I’m still working on that).
A family member of mine knows he’s going to pass away soon. He is very sick, and he’s leaving behind a loving wife and a child. It’s just so heartbreaking and sad to think about. But seeing them together this weekend during a “celebrate life” party made me
Today, I had to say goodbye. One of my associates (our first local boots on the ground in the UK) concluded that the fit was not there. So now we’re parting ways. And that’s okay. Sometimes, there is no fit. It happens. We will be parting ways with
I want to start my writing back up again. Why? Well, it’s one of the few things I love most. And…. This blog used to have 2000+ unique visitors every month. Unfortunately, that number has been slowly dwindling, evident when you write nothing. I think it’s a fun
Let me share the ultimate 3 steps to stop hating your job and make it feel like play. Your work should feel effortless. I know that many out there struggle to enjoy the job they do. When I don’t integrate play into my work, I hate what I